Category Archives: Real Estate

JOBS Act Changes Game For Real Estate Investment, Kenneth Slaught Leads Way

Groundbreaking intuitive software and mobile applications, according to Kenneth Slaught, the owner of one of the most successful property management enterprise in Santa Barbara, give investors and builders a larger selection of lending and borrowing opportunities across numerous real estate asset classes and geographies. California’s crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending projects evolved after the adoption of… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Discusses Importance Of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead For Californians

The ground-breaking structure built during the American Great Depression period was erected between 1931 and 1936, costing Americans $49 million dollars. The project was originally named Boulder Dam, but was later transformed as Hoover Dam in honor of then-President Herbert Hoover, who had made significant contributions to the completion of this prodigious project. It is… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Notes Hoover Dam’s Success Powering American Communicies

Located on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada, the Hoover Dam is an impeccable force designed to give water and hydroelectric power to a significant part of that region, taking advantage of the Colorado River. Santa Barbara-based property and thoughtful Kenny Slaught acknowledges the success of the miraculous architectural structure regarding… Read More…

Kenny Slaught On Building Traditions Of California

Some of the most eminent Santa Barbara architecture features include, the centuries old Hotel Virginia, El Pueblo Viejo district in historic downtown and the two pink towers at the Old Mission, which welcomes retreats and festivals. The brightly colored tiles of the County Courthouse houses brilliant displays of murals and other striking attributes. Nearby is… Read More…

Kenny Slaught On Architectural Trends In California

Nearly a century ago, famous architect George Washington Smith launched the California movement known as the Spanish Colonial revival. Smith was a scholar who dropped out of Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader. After becoming a successful businessman, he moved to Santa Barbara to pursue a relaxing lifestyle and planning to work on… Read More…

Santa Barbara Real Estate Professional Kenny Slaught – Discusses the History of Architecture in Santa Barbara

Famous architect George Washington Smith, inspired the California movement called the Spanish Colonial revival almost 100 years ago. Smith dropped out of Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader. Once a successful businessman, he moved to the Santa Barbara community anticipating a relaxing lifestyle and planning to work on his painting abilities. What surprised… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Notes Importance Of Technology On Real Estate

Technological development continues to revolutionize America’s real estate industry, increasing the efficiency and profitability of the property management. Platforms which offer numerous online collaborations methods and –more importantly – automate workflow are increasing in popularity because of their ability to provide prompt access to accurate and consolidated data and information flow. Kenny Slaught, the president… Read More…

Kenny Slaught On Benefits Of Crowdfunding, JOBS Act

Kenny Slaught explains that platforms offering numerous online collaborations along with workflow automation are increasing in popularity, largely due to their ability to allow prompt access to accurate and consolidated data flows. New intuitive software and mobile applications, says the owner of one of the most successful property management enterprise in Santa Barbara, give investors… Read More…