Category Archives: Commercial

Kenny Slaught Discusses Ongoing Architectural Trends

Nearly a century ago, renowned architect George Washington Smith launched the California movement known as the Spanish Colonial revival. Smith was a scholar who left Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader. After becoming a successful businessman, he came to Santa Barbara for a relaxing lifestyle, planning to work on his painting. But he… Read More…

Kenny Slaught – Boulder Dam Was Renamed as Hoover Dam in the Honor of President Herbert Hoover

Elucidating Hoover Dam’s history Kenny Slaught says that the major structure was completed during the American Great Depression period, between 1931 and 1936, which cost the government $49 million dollars. Formerly, the dam was named Boulder Dam, but was later called Hoover Dam as a tribute to the erstwhile-President Herbert Hoover, who had made great… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Points As Part Of Area’s Success

The third pillar of Santa Barbara’s exceptional community is the county’s widespread commitment, demonstrated by civic leaders, business professionals, and residents. Kenny Slaught says that the city’s long tradition of nonprofit activity and generous giving continues today through numerous charities, volunteer organizations and community initiatives, but actually dates back to 1928 with the creation of… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Discusses Courthouse, Old Mission Church History

As early as 1925, notes Kenny Slaught, Santa Barbara city planners, recognizing the natural charm of Southern California, created legislation to preserve Spanish Colonial architecture, making Santa Barbara the first populace in the United States to consider the importance of historical buildings. Adorned with brilliantly colored tiles, the County Courthouse is the most common downtown… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Discusses Benefits Of SBCC Programs

Santa Barbara City College has earned a great reputation when it comes to training professionals working in the field of network support. According to Investec CEO Kenny Slaught, “your valuable time will be wisely invested studying this promising and useful program.” Network engineers work with a company’s computer network, providing employees with the best technological… Read More…

Santa Barbara Real Estate Professional Kenny Slaught – Discusses the History of Architecture in Santa Barbara

Famous architect George Washington Smith, inspired the California movement called the Spanish Colonial revival almost 100 years ago. Smith dropped out of Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader. Once a successful businessman, he moved to the Santa Barbara community anticipating a relaxing lifestyle and planning to work on his painting abilities. What surprised… Read More…

Five San Francisco Real Estate Dynasties

1. Bechtel Family Warren A. Bechtel started Bechtel engineering and construction company in 1923. He was only 25 years old. The Bechtel family is known for famous projects such as the Hoover Dam, the Channel Tunnel, Crossrail London and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Warren A. Bechtel died unexpectedly during the Hoover Dam Project, so his… Read More…