Category Archives: Real Estate

Kenny Slaught Notes Many HSB Counsellors EDMR Certified

Multiple Hospice of Santa Barbara counsellors have obtained certification for EMDR, and are effectively integrated the cutting-edge therapy. The therapy has resulted in many clients have reporting greater feelings of ease and comfort than with talk therapy alone, as EMDR serves as an important complement to talk therapy for clients with particularly difficult grief or… Read More…

Santa Barbara Hospice Provides Excellent PTSD Treatment, Notes Slaught

“The professionals at Hospice of Santa Barbara strive to provide the highest level of service to clients by offering effective, cutting-edge therapies,” Kenny Slaught writes, praising the organization. “Dealing with grief and loss is extremely difficult, but a new therapy has emerged to help individuals through difficult times.” People with PTSD experience overwhelming and painful… Read More…

Santa Barbara Hospice Provides Excellent PTSD Treatment, Notes Slaught

“The professionals at Hospice of Santa Barbara strive to provide the highest level of service to clients by offering effective, cutting-edge therapies,” Kenny Slaught writes, praising the organization. “Dealing with grief and loss is extremely difficult, but a new therapy has emerged to help individuals through difficult times.” People with PTSD experience overwhelming and painful… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Blogging To Benefit SBMA Fundraiser

Passionate supporter of the Santa Barbara’s arts and culture Kenny Slaught recently publicized his support for the Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s “The Image More” through a post on his blog at The Santa Barbara Museum of Art maintains a critical role in the local community, offering educational programs and connecting residents and visitors… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Notes UCSB Professor’s Impressive Research

David Low, a professor in UCSB’s Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, has announced he will pursue an innovative global health and development research project, “Strategy for development of enteric pathogen-specific phage”. Low’s research intends to focus on a new way to deal with major bacterial pathogens that are becoming resistant to a handful… Read More…

Kenny Slaught Discusses Courthouse, Old Mission Church History

As early as 1925, notes Kenny Slaught, Santa Barbara city planners, recognizing the natural charm of Southern California, created legislation to preserve Spanish Colonial architecture, making Santa Barbara the first populace in the United States to consider the importance of historical buildings. Adorned with brilliantly colored tiles, the County Courthouse is the most common downtown… Read More…

Kenny Slaught, Real Estate Professional, Talks Architectural History in Santa Barbara

Real estate professional, Kenny Slaught, takes a look into the architectural integrity of Santa Barbara and how the city has maintained the Spanish, natural charm over the years. He highlights the unique characteristics of the architecture, such as intricate archways, and the actions taken to protect historic landmarks. Read More: Read More…

Santa Barbara Real Estate Professional Kenny Slaught – Discusses the History of Architecture in Santa Barbara

Famous architect George Washington Smith, inspired the California movement called the Spanish Colonial revival almost 100 years ago. Smith dropped out of Harvard to eventually work as a bond trader. Once a successful businessman, he moved to the Santa Barbara community anticipating a relaxing lifestyle and planning to work on his painting abilities. What surprised… Read More…